sobota, 3 grudnia 2011

England belongs to

This week I've started looking through well known but long time no visited eshops. Some of them not exist anymore:( some of them are nearly empty but most are full of new shiny things I want to have aghhhh:)
First episode : England belongs to - button down shirt is essential in any rude girl closet especially in skinhead girl like your truly, but getting one is tricky. There's always many classic looking shirt for guys with great variety of colour and pattern but hey! just few for girls(if any!) The most annoying example is Britac Shirt - they have so nice shirts but yes just for men:/ of course even in pink/violet/purple shades:) Many girls wear them but sorry to say that but it doesn't look very nice in most case. Yes you can always bring it to good tailor but I don't like idea of buying shirt for 45 euro and then paying more for fitting. I wanna cloth ready to wear - is this to much?
So England belongs super surprisingly offers more for girls than for boys! I alreaddy have one which wait a long time abandoned in my closet because I ordered M - way to big for me but when I make it smaller I can say that those are nice shirt to wear! Maybe I'm not a fan of that big collar or how sleeves end but colours are cute and fabric is soft and price is also great so big up for them!

1 komentarz:

agnes pisze...

aaaaaa, monia znowu pisze:)!!!! a my szczęśliwie wylądowaliśmy i buszuję teraz u kumpeli, która ma już uszytych mnóstwo nowych modeli kiecek, jeszcze niedostępnych na stronie i wykrakałaś - raczej nie wrócę z pustymi rękoma ;)! cmok!